- lace tassel
- шнурок с кисточкой
English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry. проф., д-р техн. наук Г. Арбузов, к.т.н. А. Михайлова, И. Качко, к-т. фил.н. Я. Смирницкая.
English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry. проф., д-р техн. наук Г. Арбузов, к.т.н. А. Михайлова, И. Качко, к-т. фил.н. Я. Смирницкая.
Bobbin lace — Bobbin Bob bin, n. [F. bobine; of uncertain origin; cf. L. bombus a humming, from the noise it makes, or Ir. & Gael. baban tassel, or E. bob.] 1. A small pin, or cylinder, formerly of bone, now most commonly of wood, used in the making of pillow… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Academic dress of the University of Warwick — The official academic dress for officers and members of the University of Warwick is as follows.Chancellor Robe Red satin damask, trimmed with three inch gold plate lace on fronts, cape, hem and bottom of hanging sleeves Hat Black velvet mortar… … Wikipedia
Academic dress — or academical dress is traditional clothing for academic settings, primarily tertiary and sometimes secondary education. It is also known as academicals and, in the United States, as academic regalia. Contemporarily, it is commonly seen only at… … Wikipedia
Academic dress of the University of Exeter — Official Dress= *The Chancellor’s Robe is black silk with MA style sleeves and embroidery of gold lace, worn with a cap adorned with a gold tassel and gold edging. *The Pro Chancellor’s robe is black silk with MA style sleeves and embroidery of… … Wikipedia
Glossary of textile manufacturing — For terms specifically related to sewing, see Glossary of sewing terms. For terms specifically related to dyeing, see Glossary of dyeing terms. The manufacture of textiles is one of the oldest of human technologies. To make textiles, the first… … Wikipedia
Textile manufacturing terminology — The manufacture of textiles is one of the oldest of human technologies. In order to make textiles, the first requirement is a source of fibre from which a yarn can be made, primarily by spinning. (Both fibre and fiber are used in this article.)… … Wikipedia
Court uniform and dress — Court dressOn formal royal occasions in monarchies the dress worn by those present has in the past been prescribed by official regulations. Court dress (as distinguished from court uniform mentioned in the section below) is worn by all men not… … Wikipedia
Court uniform and dress in the United Kingdom — See also: Court dress R. B. Bennett (1870–1947) in court dress. Contents 1 Court dress … Wikipedia
Academic dress of universities in Queensland, Australia — There are a number of universities in Queensland, Australia, all with distinct academic dress.University of QueenslandThe University of Queensland generally follows the Cambridge pattern for its Academic regalia, in terms of the pattern of its… … Wikipedia
Hilt — The hilt (sometimes called the haft) of a sword is its handle, consisting of a guard,grip and pommel. The guard may contain a crossguard or quillons. A tassel or sword knot may be attached to the guard or pommel. Pommel The pommel (the name is… … Wikipedia
Academic dress of the University of Edinburgh — The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1582.Use of academic dressAcademic dress is compulsory at official ceremonial occasions, such as graduation and the installations of Rector and Chancellor. As with the other ancient universities in… … Wikipedia